Community Life / History

Our Favourite Books on Auroville

Many books on Auroville are available in our local bookstores and in the Auroville Online Store. But with such an output of information as our little community is able to muster, it gets a bit tricky to figure out where to start.

We have selected our favourite books on Auroville – those that give a deeper insight into the highs and lows of our communal adventure.

Turning Points

This book is our all-time favourite when it comes to stories from Auroville. For many Aurovilians it is very dear to their hearts, as it gives a voice to some of our most colourful community members. In this book of interviews, 29 Aurovilian pioneers share their memories of how they came to Auroville, what their life was like back then, and how they lived in the City of Dawn. The book captures the magic of those early days and reminds us of the powerful influence that the Mother had on the course of individual lives. The meetings with Mother described in the book are truly inspirational. A must-read for everyone who is interested in Auroville. 

If you want a glimpse of the content, you can read short extracts from some Turning Points interviews here. 

1968-2018 – Glimpses into 50 Years of Auroville

This photo book is not so much a ‘read’ – as it hardly contains any text – but gives a gorgeous visual presentation of Auroville over the last 50 years. A collection of 420 pictures taken by various people over time, they tell the story of Auroville as a great and ever-changing adventure.  

A beautiful collection for anyone who carries Auroville in their hearts and wants to remember it from time to time. 

Auroville – Smart City of Another Kind

This book explores the different experiments taking place in Auroville. The aim is not to show the success but simply where Auroville is at, connected to its ideals and visions. Well-researched articles allow a glimpse into a few of the many projects of Auroville. A nice read for people who want to go a little deeper into the everyday life of Auroville and understand some of its successes as well as its challenges. Topics range from experiments in food production, solar power, alternative schooling, body work, and sustainable rural development. 

Tell Me, My Friend – What Is This Auroville?

This book is very sweet and a great introduction to Auroville for kids. The gorgeous drawings and the simple but deep texts will inspire children and adults alike. It is an exploration of the origins of Auroville and helps us understand the inner meaning of the spiritual experiment that is Auroville.

The Mother – Selected Photos

The connection to the Mother brought many pioneers to Auroville and continues to drive the development of our community. While only the very early Aurovilians had the privilege of meeting her, we can still get a glimpse of her powerful presence through this collection of pictures. Selected and printed at the Ashram, these are all the best pictures of Mother – at rest, at work, at play, and always a light for the many devotees that continue to flock to her teachings. For some of our favourite pictures of Mother, check out our Mother’s Gallery.

Chronicling Auroville – Auroville Today from 2006 to 2018

This selection of articles from the Auroville Today from 2006 to 2018 gives a taste of the challenges, frustrations and joys of trying to live in a diverse community that is unique in the world. A lovely compilation of articles that cover a range of topics, from education and community to individual reflections, humour, local culture and outreach. 

The quality of Auroville Today articles has always been high, showing different sides to the Auroville experiment. A selection of the best of AVToday will surely have something for everyone!

Auroville, Dream And Reality

This great book gives some glimpses into the answers of the big questions – what is life really like in the community? What do Auroville’s residents believe in? The anthology was collected and edited by the long term Aurovilian Akash Kapur, who wants to shed light not only on Auroville’s ideals, but also on its lived reality.

A must-read for everyone who wants to understand the experimental township from the inside out – from the inner lives of Aurovilians themselves. 

Aerial Auroville

Created by two young Aurovilians, this book looks at Auroville from a fresh perspective: the sky! A photo book of beautiful droneshots taken in the last 3 years.

The Dawning of Auroville

This book tells the story of Auroville from its conception, through its highest hopes and hardest struggles, its profound insights and impossible accomplishments. It is told through the voices of its many collaborators over time. What makes it so unique is the very personal storytelling, as the book is full of short memories and stories of days gone by. Definitely one of the must-reads for whoever wants to understand the history of Auroville!

Happy reading!


  • Lena Schibel-Mason
    May 28, 2021 at 5:53 pm

    Hello dear processors of this ,
    I am looking for a book that you advertised earlier, about exercises with smaller children, a sequel to
    ‘Awareness through the Body’, which I would like to order.
    Thank you,

    • Henrike
      May 31, 2021 at 10:44 am

      Hi Lena,

      Yes the ATB team released a book, ‘ATB in Kindergarten’
      You can find it in the AV Online Store here.

      Hope that helps! Warmth, Henrike


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